Saturday 20 January 2018

Happy 1 month Birthday!

Today, Damon is 1 month old.

His birth was a month ago, but it seems like an eternity ago.

Weight loss above the normal levels causing an unscheduled trip to the hospital. Working towards weight gain (he's happily now back over his birth weight). Crying. A LOT of crying. Some sleeping. More crying. Pooping, weeing, milk sick and sneezing. Catching a cold. Registering with the doctor and registering his birth. Some trips in the car and lots of visitors. Plenty of hugs and still some time for play time.
There's been a lot packed into the last month.

It's been a month of total chaos. I feel like i'm so disorganised and haven't managed to achieve anything in my personal life. Who would have thought that a new baby would take up every minute of every day! Late nights and lack of sleep are the new norm. Meals have changed to bypass knives and forks. Crying was like clockwork the minute plates hit the table. So food that's easy to eat with one hand has become the new norm.
There's been a lot of changes in our lives already and i'm sure there's many more to come but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Happy 1 month Birthday Damon. Let's see what month 2 has in store.


  1. Happy 1 month Birthday Damon, they grow up so soon, before you know it, you'll be celebrating his first birthday

  2. He’s lovely. Congratulations and enjoy him!
